What Can I Do to Relieve my Back Pain?

Back pain is a very common condition and causes more disability than any other condition. So if you are feeling this, you are not alone and we see many people like yourself struggle with this condition.

July 18, 2022

Dr. Donald Mull, DC

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Back pain is a very common condition and causes more disability than any other condition. So if you are feeling this, you are not alone and we see many people like yourself struggle with this condition.

“I was told to just avoid this activity and I will be good”

Which by the way happens to be what you truly enjoy for exercise (we’ve been there!). As you will find out later in this article, oftentimes avoiding activity completely is NOT helpful.

Also being told to avoid something without a plan of action doesn’t get you closer to where you want to go. Yes, being told what not to do is important, but having guidance throughout the process is a GAME CHANGER.

What is the fastest way to relieve my back pain?

Oftentimes people are concerned with exercise and are unsure if they are doing harm by moving it. As you saw above, many people are told to simply avoid activity in order to feel better. We know now that this advice is very short sided and may be leading to more harm than good.

We now know that if you increase your physical activity your risk of having low back pain decreases by almost 20%. That is HUGE! Bed rest should not be the advice we are giving clients.

So it is important to continue your physical activity to some level as soon as possible. It is often helpful to see a practitioner for help and guidance getting back to the things you like to do if you feel limitations.

This is what we specialize in. We love to teach you how to modify or build back up to being even stronger and more resilient than you were before your symptoms. If you need some help, let’s get started!


  1. Hoy D, March L, Brooks P, Blyth F, Woolf A, Bain C, Williams G, Smith E, Vos T, Barendregt J, Murray C, Burstein R, Buchbinder R. The global burden of low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jun;73(6):968-74. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204428. Epub 2014 Mar 24. PMID: 24665116.
  2. Kirsch Micheletti, J., Bláfoss, R., Sundstrup, E. et al.Association between lifestyle and musculoskeletal pain: cross-sectional study among 10,000 adults from the general working population. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 20, 609 (2019).